Born in a Memorable Time…
A journey for all, of scarcity, uncertainty, and adversity.
The surprise Chair present by Amish Craftsmen Guild depicts life and living through the reality of the last 3 years during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
The pandemic surprised us all, over and over in many different ways. It presented to us like “Right now and in our Face.” Whether or not we like it, it was there for us to see, and we had no choice but to deal with or try to ignore it, yet it was still there, for all to see. Despite this fact of liking or not, it created opportunity to see things differently and find simplistic beauty in its own right.
The ability to obtain the seeming necessities to function as normal was impossible. The abnormal and lack of consistency sometime left us with the only option of effort put into beauty determined by what we had to work with at any given moment. Team Amish Craftsmen Guild and our crafters were very fortunate to have an overworked and committed skeleton team willing to work with chaotic uncertainty to find a way to grow together and stay alive as individuals, a family, a team, a business and a community. After a discussion regarding our reality in share industry, one of our crafters decided out of desperation to do what he knew he could and that was build a chair using what materials he had on hand. The Surprise Chair is what he created.
WE hope you enjoy the result and can appreciate and find the beauty in the Surprise Cahir’s own right amid the reality of the time in which we have passed through and continue to adjust as this adventure reminds us, we may or may not be through these woods. Hopefully the Suprise Chair brings to you a message of hope and gratitude that we can and will survive using ingenuity with scrappy grit, risk, flexibility and being willing to be open to finding beauty while looking in from a different perspective. Hopefully we will find the grace to come together realizing the beauty in the way the Good Lord made us; with a brain that differs from any other species allowing us to learn, to think, and grow differently from each other while appreciating others’ ideas to move us all forward together in harmonious beauty creating a bit of fun in the function with a bright future.